Meet MyQii. Share data securely. Using the MyQii app, you collect your data from various digital sources to create your MyQii account.Curious how that works? With MyQii you are in control of your own data. No more hassle with collecting piles of documents and sending them to different providers, but digitally and securely share MyQii with a provider.Use the MyQii app to collect your personal data digitally. You can go through the process within ten minutes by logging in to the various sources. Check MyQii and secure it with a PIN code.What happens to my personal data?Youre the boss. During the collection you log in yourself and you can see which data is placed in MyQii. This data is stored securely. Only you and the person you have given permission for can view MyQii.Advantages of the MyQii appYour data stored in one secure environment has its advantages, such as:» You are in control of your data» You have insight into what you have shared and with whom» You can see for what purpose your data has been shared» You can revoke your shared data yourself if you wantWant to know more?More information about Qii can be found at https://qii.nlDisclaimer: Qii is not a government agency.